Extreme atmospheric conditions can cause significant variations in the times of
sunrise and sunset. Two of the most prominent atmospheric factors are temperature
and pressure. This page allows you to display sunrise and sunset times for a specific
temperature and pressure.
Where can I find this information?
Here are some government websites where you'll find the current temperature and pressure
reported by your local weather station:
The following links take you
to other sites that are beyond the control
of MyZmanim. We cannot take responsibility for any content provided by these sites.
United States: weather.gov
(Enter your ZIP code, click
International System of Units
and read
current conditions.)
Israel: ims.gov.il
Canada: weatheroffice.gc.ca
United Kingdom: metoffice.gov.uk
Everywhere else: weather.noaa.gov - Go to
International Weather Conditions
Temperature and pressure vary with elevation. Therefore, if you intend to obtain your
current temperature and pressure from a local weather station,
please confirm that the given station is at the same elevation
as the place where you'll be using the zmanim. If you measure the temperature and pressure directly
using your own thermometer and barometer (or a "home weather station"), this will not
be a concern.
Caution: Entering the wrong information will produce incorrect zmanim.
If there's something you don't know, please leave it set to "auto".
Caution: The extent to which atmospheric conditions impact the
zmanim varies depending on location, season and elevation. Please do not assume that
the impact in one location will be the same as the impact in another,
or that the impact during one season will be the same as the impact during another.